尼日利亚的证交会推动长期投资以提高市场透明度和经济增长。 Nigeria's SEC pushes for long-term investments to boost market transparency and economic growth.
尼日利亚证交会强调长期资本市场投资对该国发展的重要性,强调银行和公司最近筹集了超过2.7万亿奈拉。 The Nigerian SEC stresses the importance of long-term capital market investments for the country's development, highlighting over N2.7 trillion raised by banks and companies recently. 证交会旨在提高市场透明度,利用金融技术,并与利益攸关方合作,以确保2025年的金融稳定。 The SEC aims to enhance market transparency, leverage financial technology, and collaborate with stakeholders to ensure financial stability in 2025. 目前正在努力将尼日利亚从金融行动工作组灰色名单中除名,并通过资本市场促进经济增长。 Efforts to remove Nigeria from the FATF grey list and promote economic growth through the capital market are also underway.