欧盟成为区域海上安全倡议《吉布提行为准则》的观察员。 The EU becomes an observer in the Djibouti Code of Conduct, a regional maritime security initiative.
欧盟已成为《吉布提行为准则/吉达修正案》的观察员或“朋友”,该区域倡议旨在打击亚丁湾和红海等西北印度洋地区的海盗、武装抢劫、人口贩运和其他非法海上活动。 The European Union (EU) has become an observer, or "Friend," of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment, a regional initiative aiming to combat piracy, armed robbery, human trafficking, and other illegal maritime activities in the North-Western Indian Ocean, including the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. 此举体现了欧盟对该地区海上安全的承诺。 This move signifies the EU's commitment to maritime security in the region.