澳大利亚新南威尔士州达博发生汽车与巴士相撞事故,一名 32 岁男子死亡,20 人受伤;巴士司机的行动挽救了生命。 32-year-old man dies, 20 injured in car-bus crash in Dubbo, NSW, Australia; bus driver's actions save lives.
在澳大利亚新南威尔士州达博,一辆马自达轿车未能停车接受警方检查,随后在米切尔高速公路上与一辆公共汽车相撞,造成一名 32 岁的男子死亡,20 多人受伤。 A man, believed to be 32, died and over 20 injured in a car-bus crash in Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia, when a Mazda sedan failed to stop for police and later collided with a bus on the Mitchell Highway. 警方试图拦下这辆轿车,但出于安全考虑终止了追捕。 The police attempted to stop the sedan, but terminated the pursuit due to safety concerns. 据报道,公交车司机的行动挽救了生命,没有其他乘客受重伤或死亡。 The bus driver's actions reportedly saved lives, as no other passengers were seriously injured or killed.