印度摔跤运动员 Deepak Punia 和 Sujeet Kalkal 滞留在迪拜机场。 Indian wrestlers Deepak Punia and Sujeet Kalkal stranded at Dubai airport.
由于史无前例的降雨,印度摔跤运动员迪帕克·普尼亚 (Deepak Punia) 和苏吉特·卡尔卡尔 (Sujeet Kalkal) 被困在迪拜机场,导致主要高速公路和道路被淹。 Indian wrestlers Deepak Punia and Sujeet Kalkal are stranded at Dubai airport due to unprecedented rainfall, causing major highways and roads to flood. 两人当时正在前往比什凯克参加奥运会亚洲区预选赛,这是巴黎奥运会的关键赛事。 The duo was on their way to Bishkek for the Asia Olympic qualifiers, a crucial event for the Paris Olympics. 随行的还有俄罗斯教练卡迈勒·马利科夫 (Kamal Malikov) 和理疗师舒巴姆·古普塔 (Shubham Gupta),由于危机原因,他们目前睡在机场的地板上,没有适当的食物。 They are accompanied by Russian coach Kamal Malikov and physio Shubham Gupta, and are currently sleeping on the airport floor without proper food due to the crisis.