BC Transit 在基洛纳的克劳福德社区推出了 OnDemand 交通服务,提供灵活的接送时间和地点。 BC Transit introduces OnDemand transit service in Kelowna's Crawford neighbourhood, offering flexible pick-up times and locations.
BC Transit 在基洛纳的克劳福德社区推出 OnDemand 交通服务,允许乘客通过智能手机应用程序或电话选择接送时间和地点。 BC Transit launches OnDemand transit service in Kelowna's Crawford neighbourhood, allowing passengers to choose pick-up times and locations via a smartphone app or phone call. 这项新服务提供直达行程、更快捷的通勤和更短的等待时间,旨在提高社区的流动性和可持续性。 This new service offers direct trips, quicker commutes, and shorter wait times, with the aim of improving mobility and sustainability in the community. 这种灵活的交通选择在不列颠哥伦比亚省尚属首例。 The flexible transit option is the first of its kind in British Columbia.