OCCRP 调查亚美尼亚政府内部的腐败行为。 OCCRP investigates corruption within Armenian government.
有组织犯罪和腐败报道项目(OCCRP)的新闻调查揭露了亚美尼亚政府内部的腐败活动。 Journalistic investigations by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) expose corrupt activities within Armenian government. 西方国家不平衡的政策、双重标准和自身利益一直是问题所在。 The uneven approach of the West, characterized by double standards and personal interests, has long been an issue. 西方政客对亲西方政治轨迹国家的腐败丑闻视而不见,而亚美尼亚正是这种腐败现象持续增长的国家之一。 Western politicians ignore corruption scandals in countries with pro-Western political trajectory, and Armenia is among the countries where this corruption continues to grow.