考文垂大学集团在德里设立印度中心,以支持招生、招聘和合作。 Coventry University Group launches an India Hub in Delhi to support admissions, recruitment, and partnerships.
英国考文垂大学集团宣布在德里启动印度中心,这是其全球网络中的第六个中心。 UK's Coventry University Group announces the launch of an India Hub in Delhi, the sixth hub in its global network. 该中心将容纳 70 多名员工,以支持印度的招生、招聘和合作。 The hub will house over 70 employees to support admissions, recruitment, and partnerships in India. 该项目旨在加强大学与该地区的长期联系,并简化大学与印度教育、商业和政府组织之间的沟通和合作。 It aims to intensify the university's longstanding connections with the region and streamline communication and collaboration between the university and organizations in Indian education, business, and government.