印度探索与约翰·霍普金斯建立离岸校园的伙伴关系,重点是研究和创新。 India explores partnership with Johns Hopkins for an offshore campus, focusing on research and innovation.
印度政府正在探讨在印度建立约翰·霍普金斯大学(JHU)离岸校园的可能性。 The Indian government is exploring the possibility of establishing an offshore campus of Johns Hopkins University (JHU) in India. 在JHU主席Ronald J. Daniels和印度教育部长Dharmendra Pradhan领导的讨论中,重点是促进美国大学和印度主要教育机构之间的学术和研究合作、创新和创业。 During discussions led by JHU President Ronald J. Daniels and Indian Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, the focus was on fostering academic and research collaborations, innovation, and entrepreneurship between the U.S. university and leading Indian educational institutions. JHU代表团,包括其Gupta Klinsky印度研究所的官员,计划访问印度各校园以加强这些联系。 The JHU delegation, including officials from its Gupta Klinsky India Institute, plans to visit various Indian campuses to strengthen these ties.