16 岁的 Jason Galleghan 因涉嫌盗窃 Apple AirPods 而被 Richard Sione 和一伙人引诱杀害;Dawson 和 Sione 被判有罪。 16-yr-old Jason Galleghan was murdered by Richard Sione and a group after being lured on suspicion of stealing Apple AirPods; Dawson and Sione found guilty.
大约三年前,16 岁的杰森·加勒汉 (Jason Galleghan) 被凯拉·道森 (Kayla Dawson) 引诱到一处房产,后者怀疑他偷了她的 Apple AirPods,随后被理查德·西奥内 (Richard Sione) 和一群青少年殴打致死。 Nearly three years ago, 16-year-old Jason Galleghan was fatally beaten by Richard Sione and a group of teenagers after being lured to a property by Kayla Dawson, who suspected him of stealing her Apple AirPods. 周一,新南威尔士州最高法院裁定道森和西奥内谋杀青少年罪名成立。 On Monday, both Dawson and Sione were found guilty of the teenager's murder in the NSW Supreme Court. 代理法官罗伯特·艾伦·休姆 (Robert Allan Hulme) 在判决中表示,道森在谋杀案中扮演的角色是造成这一可怕局面的核心原因。 Acting Justice Robert Allan Hulme stated in his decision that Dawson's role in the murder was central to the horrific circumstances.