中国人民银行将美元兑人民币汇率定为7.0979,维持1年期MLF利率不变,并注入1000亿元人民币,限制人民币兑美元跌幅。 PBOC sets USD/CNY rate at 7.0979, maintains 1-year MLF rate, and injects 100bn Yuan, limiting yuan's decline against USD.
中国人民银行将美元兑人民币中心汇率设定为7.0979,维持1年期MLF利率为2.5%,并提供1000亿元人民币1年期MLF资金。 People's Bank of China (PBOC) set the USD/CNY central rate at 7.0979, maintaining the 1-year MLF interest rate at 2.5% and providing a one-year MLF injection of 100bn Yuan. 人民币兑美元汇率跌至五个月低点,但由于中国强劲的官方指导利率,跌幅有限。 The yuan reached a five-month low against the US dollar, but losses were limited by the country's strong official guidance rate. 中国人民银行的每日中间价和国有银行的支持有助于稳定人民币的价值。 The PBOC's daily fixing rates and support from state-owned banks help stabilize the yuan's value.