纽约萨利纳两名执法人员被杀。 Two law enforcement officers killed in Salina New York.
两名执法人员,一名是锡拉丘兹警察,另一名是奥内达加县副警长,在纽约州萨利纳接到有关汽车被盗的 911 报警电话时被枪杀。 Two law enforcement officers, a Syracuse police officer and an Onondaga County Sheriff's deputy, were killed in a shooting in Salina, New York while responding to a 911 call about a stolen car. 一名嫌疑人被拘留,另一名被认为是主要嫌疑人的人在现场被击毙。 One suspect was taken into custody and another, considered the prime suspect, was killed at the scene. 枪击事件发生在警察调查一辆被盗车辆时,当时车辆未能遵守交通拦截规定。 The shooting occurred during the officers' investigation of a stolen vehicle after a vehicle traffic stop failed to comply.