新闻机构敦促拜登和特朗普承诺参加11月大选前的辩论。 News organizations urge Biden and Trump to commit to participating in debates ahead of the November election.
包括美国广播公司、哥伦比亚广播公司、美国有线电视新闻网和福克斯新闻在内的 12 家主要新闻机构已敦促总统候选人乔·拜登和唐纳德·特朗普承诺参加 11 月大选前的辩论。 Twelve major news organizations, including ABC, CBS, CNN, and Fox News, have urged presumptive presidential nominees Joe Biden and Donald Trump to commit to participating in debates ahead of the November election. 这些组织强调辩论对于帮助公众了解候选人的政策和政纲的重要性。 The organizations emphasized the importance of the debates in helping the public gain insight into the candidates' policies and platforms. 无党派总统辩论委员会已安排分别于 9 月 16 日、10 月 1 日和 10 月 9 日举行三场辩论。 The nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates has scheduled three debates for September 16, October 1, and October 9.