洛杉矶道奇队在系列赛首场比赛中对阵华盛顿国民队。 Los Angeles Dodgers face Washington Nationals in a series opener.
道奇队与国民队的对决:洛杉矶道奇队(11-7)将于美国东部时间 4 月 15 日星期一晚上 10:10 在道奇体育场举行的系列赛揭幕战中对阵华盛顿国民队(6-9)。 Dodgers vs Nationals matchup: The Los Angeles Dodgers (11-7) face the Washington Nationals (6-9) in a series opener on Monday, April 15, at 10:10 PM ET at Dodger Stadium. 道奇队在他们被看好的比赛中战绩为 11 胜 7 负。 The Dodgers are 11-7 in games they were favored on the moneyline. 道奇队以 25 个本垒打领先棒球队,平均每支球队打出 1 个本垒打。 Dodgers lead baseball with 25 total home runs, averaging 1. 两支球队将在接下来的 11 天内进行六场比赛,首先在洛杉矶进行三场,然后于 4 月 23 日至 25 日在华盛顿特区进行三场系列赛。 The two teams will play six times over the next 11 days, with a three-game series in Los Angeles followed by a three-game series in Washington D.C. from April 23-25.