4 月 14 日:电力部长 Kgosientsho Ramokgopa 博士在从西北地区前往豪登省的途中遭遇车祸;包括他本人在内的所有伤者均已出院。 14 Apr: Electricity Minister Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa in a car accident on route from North West to Gauteng; all involved, including himself, discharged from hospital.
4 月 14 日,电力部长 Kgosientsho Ramokgopa 博士从西北地区前往豪登省途中遭遇车祸,但他“状况良好”,并已出院,无需入院。 Electricity Minister Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa was involved in a car accident on 14 April while traveling from North West to Gauteng, but he is "doing well" and has been discharged from the hospital without admission. 事故中,拉莫克戈帕乘坐的汽车、两名保护人员和另一辆车都参与其中。 The accident involved the car Ramokgopa was in, along with two protectors and another vehicle. 所有人员都得到了及时的医疗救治,部长祝愿受伤人员早日康复。 All individuals received prompt medical attention, and the minister sent his wishes for a speedy recovery to those injured.