尼赫鲁大学州立大学宣布,如果在 4 月 15 日之前未能满足包括恢复性别敏感委员会在内的要求,大学将于 4 月 16 日举行罢课仪式。 JNUSU announces a university strike on April 16 if demands, including reinstating a gender sensitisation committee, are not met by April 15.
尼赫鲁大学学生会 (JNUSU) 宣布,如果在 4 月 15 日之前不能满足包括恢复性别敏感委员会在内的要求,那么学校将于 4 月 16 日“全校罢课”。 Jawaharlal Nehru University Students' Union (JNUSU) announces a "complete university strike" on April 16, if demands, including reinstate of a gender sensitisation committee, are not met by April 15. 此次罢课是由于学校管理层拒绝解决学生的担忧,包括性骚扰案件。 The strike follows claims of administration's refusal to address student concerns, including a sexual harassment case. 罢工将导致当天所有官方工作或课程停止。 The strike will halt any official work or classes on that day.