伊朗对以色列的报复性袭击加剧了地区冲突的担忧。 Iran's retaliatory attack on Israel increased regional conflict fears.
伊朗对以色列实施报复性袭击后,人们对爆发更大范围地区冲突的担忧加剧,黄金和石油价格随之上涨。 Gold and oil prices rose as fears of a wider regional conflict increased after Iran's retaliatory attack on Israel. 金价创下历史新高,布伦特原油期货价格升至每桶90.45美元。 Gold prices reached a record high, while Brent oil futures rose to $90.45 a barrel. 海湾市场出现下跌,沙特阿拉伯和卡塔尔股市分别下跌1.8%和1.6%。 Gulf markets experienced declines, with Saudi Arabia's and Qatar's stock markets falling 1.8% and 1.6% respectively. 投资者正在密切关注局势,担心冲突可能进一步升级,从而导致全球市场波动加剧。 Investors are closely monitoring the situation, with concerns that the conflict could escalate further, potentially leading to increased volatility in global markets.