59 岁的达里尔·麦利 (Daryl Miley) 因偷窃 Pop-Tarts 饼干而杀害了 63 岁的室友比利·乔·梅纳德 (Billy Joe Maynard),被指控过失杀人。 59-year-old Daryl Miley charged with manslaughter for killing roommate Billy Joe Maynard, 63, over stolen Pop-Tarts.
59 岁的达里尔·麦利 (Daryl Miley) 因与室友 63 岁的比利·乔·梅纳德 (Billy Joe Maynard) 因偷窃 Pop-Tarts 而发生激烈争执,最后被控过失杀人罪。 59-year-old Daryl Miley was charged with manslaughter after allegedly killing his roommate, 63-year-old Billy Joe Maynard, in a heated argument over stolen Pop-Tarts. 梅纳德被麦莉用金属管击打后,因钝器伤而死亡,包括三处肋骨断裂和脾脏破裂。 Maynard died from blunt force trauma, including three broken ribs and a ruptured spleen, after being struck with a metal pipe by Miley. 4 月 4 日,奥扎克警方赶到该住所,随后麦莉被拘留。 Ozark police responded to the residence on April 4th, following which Miley was taken into custody.