不列颠哥伦比亚省政府简化了受山火损坏的木材的回收流程。 BC government simplifies wildfire-damaged timber salvage process.
公元前 B.C. 政府简化了山火后的木材打捞程序。 government simplifies timber salvage process after wildfires. 该省修改了皇家土地上木材采伐费用的价格,使得回收更加经济,并加快了森林再生。 The province modified the price of fees for harvesting timber on Crown land, making salvage more economical and speeding up forest regeneration. 《室内评估手册》的修改将于 4 月 1 日起生效,该修改提高了灵活性并简化了打捞流程。 Changes to the Interior Appraisal Manual, effective April 1, increase flexibility and streamline the salvaging process. 该省已发放了140万立方米受山火损坏木材的许可证。 The province has issued permits for 1.4 million cubic metres of wildfire-damaged wood.