马里兰州立法者批准了一项计划,重建普利克内斯锦标赛的举办地皮姆利科赛马场,并使用 4 亿美元的州债券将其移交给州政府控制。 Maryland lawmakers approved a plan to rebuild Pimlico Race Course, home of the Preakness, and transfer it to state control using $400M in state bonds.
马里兰州立法者已经批准了重建巴尔的摩皮姆利科赛马场(普利克内斯锦标赛的举办地)的计划,并使用 4 亿美元的州债券将赛道移交给州政府控制。 Maryland lawmakers have approved a plan to rebuild Baltimore's Pimlico Race Course, home of the Preakness, and transfer the track to state control using $400 million in state bonds. 该法案还要求将皮姆利科从斯特罗纳克集团转移至一个新成立的、在州政府控制下运营的非营利组织。 The legislation also calls for transferring Pimlico from the Stronach Group to a newly formed nonprofit that will operate under state control. 支持该计划的州长韦斯·摩尔 (Wes Moore) 将接收该法案的最终批准。 Governor Wes Moore, who supports the plan, will receive the bill for final approval.