被定罪的安大略省伦敦市谋杀犯纳撒尼尔·维尔特曼 (Nathaniel Veltman) 寻求对终身监禁提出上诉。 Convicted London, Ontario murderer Nathaniel Veltman seeks to appeal life sentence.
23 岁的纳撒尼尔·维尔特曼因在安大略省伦敦市实施恐怖主义行为谋杀一个穆斯林家庭的四名成员而被判有罪,他计划对判决提出上诉。 The 23-year-old Nathaniel Veltman, convicted of murdering four members of a Muslim family in London, Ontario in an act of terrorism, plans to appeal his convictions. 今年 2 月,Veltman 被判处终身监禁,25 年内不得假释。他的律师认为,Veltman 有上诉的理由,包括在审判中承认的声明以及检察官对陪审员的态度。 Sentenced to life in prison with no parole for 25 years in February, Veltman's lawyer believes there are grounds for appeal, including a statement admitted to trial and Crown prosecutors' approach to jurors. 上诉通知一经批准,可能会进行重新审判。 An approved notice of appeal could lead to a new trial.