杀害穆斯林家庭的加拿大白人民族主义者被判终身监禁。 Canadian white nationalist who killed Muslim family gets life in prison.
加拿大白人民族主义者纳撒尼尔·维尔特曼 (Nathaniel Veltman) 于 2021 年故意撞死穆斯林四口之家,被判处无期徒刑,25 年内不得假释。 Canadian white nationalist Nathaniel Veltman, who deliberately ran over and killed a Muslim family of four in 2021, has been given a life sentence with no chance of parole for 25 years. 维尔特曼承认他的袭击是出于白人民族主义信仰,并被判犯有一级谋杀罪和与恐怖相关的罪行。 Veltman, who admitted his attack was motivated by white nationalist beliefs, was found guilty of first-degree murder and terror-related offenses. 这是加拿大的恐怖主义法首次在一级谋杀案审判中提交给陪审团。 This is the first time Canada's terrorism laws were put before a jury in a first-degree murder trial.