近40%的人口导致“夹心一代”的倦怠风险增加。 Almost 40% of population is leading to increased burnout risks for the 'sandwich generation'.
随着全球人口老龄化,预计到 2050 年,香港、韩国和日本等国家和地区的 40% 人口将年龄在 65 岁或以上,“夹心一代” - 既要照顾年迈的父母,又要照顾自己子女的中年人 - 面临着越来越大的倦怠风险。 As the global population ages, with 40% of populations in countries like Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan projected to be aged 65 and older by 2050, the 'sandwich generation' - middle-aged individuals caring for both elderly parents and their own children - face increased burnout risks. 为了防止倦怠,专家建议提前做好准备,与家人坦诚交谈,讨论个人目标、人生愿望和护理任务,同时将自我护理纳入日常生活中。 To prevent burnout, experts recommend preparing ahead by having honest conversations with family members about personal goals, life aspirations, and caregiving tasks, while also incorporating self-care into daily routines. 政府和年轻一代应该考虑如何让老年人融入社会,促进他们的福祉并继续为社会做出贡献。 Governments and younger generations should consider ways to integrate elderly individuals into society, promoting their well-being and continued contribution to society.