作为其 15 亿欧元回购计划的一部分,Aegon Ltd. 计划回购 3500 万欧元的股票,用于支付高级管理人员的薪酬。 Aegon Ltd. plans to repurchase €35M shares for senior management compensation, as part of its €1.5B buyback program.
全球保险集团 Aegon Ltd. 宣布计划回购 3500 万欧元的普通股,以履行其高级管理层的股权薪酬计划的义务。 Aegon Ltd. announces a plan to repurchase EUR 35 million in common shares to fulfill obligations from its senior management's share-based compensation plans. 这些股份将作为库存股持有,直至分配给参与者。 These shares will be held as treasury shares until allocated to participants. 本次回购时间为2024年4月9日至6月30日,由第三方按每日平均成交量加权平均价格执行。 The repurchase will run from April 9 to June 30, 2024, and will be executed by a third party at the average daily volume-weighted average price. 此次回购将与 Aegon 正在进行的 15 亿欧元股票回购计划相结合。 The repurchase will be combined with Aegon's ongoing EUR 1.5 billion share buyback program.