一些欧洲公司已经完成或接近完成大股回购方案。 Several European companies have completed or are nearing completion of large share buy-back programs.
一些欧洲公司,包括Essity、Schouw & Co.、国际空间站A/S、Danske银行和Alm公司。 Several European companies, including Essity, Schouw & Co., ISS A/S, Danske Bank, and Alm. Brand A/S公司在最近几个月中参与了股票回购方案。 Brand A/S, have engaged in share buy-back programs in recent months. 这些方案旨在回购大量股份,数额从2.2亿丹麦克朗到55亿丹麦克朗不等。 These programs aim to repurchase a significant number of shares, with amounts ranging from 220 million DKK to 5.5 billion DKK. 这些行动是战略性资本分配的一部分,也是遵守欧盟《市场滥用管制条例》规则的一部分。 The actions are part of strategic capital allocation and compliance with EU Market Abuse Regulation rules. 每个公司都重新购回了不同数量的股份,大多数采购接近完成或已经完成。 Each company has repurchased varying numbers of shares, with most purchases nearing completion or already finished.