加拿大魁北克省米拉贝尔的空客 A220 装配工人拒绝了第二份合同,理由是工资更高且工作条件更好。 Canadian Airbus A220 assembly workers in Mirabel, Quebec reject second contract offer, citing higher wages and improved conditions.
位于魁北克省米拉贝尔的加拿大空客 A220 装配工人拒绝了第二家公司的合同要约,这引发了人们对这款亏损飞机生产的担忧。 Canadian Airbus A220 assembly workers in Mirabel, Quebec have rejected a second company contract offer, raising concerns over the production of the money-losing jet. 国际机械师和航空工人协会工会代表 1,300 名工人要求提高工资并改善工作条件。 The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers union, representing 1,300 workers, seeks higher wages and improved conditions. 空客表示,工会的要求与A220目前的财务承受能力存在差距,A220还未达到盈亏平衡。 Airbus stated that there is a gap between the union's demands and the current financial capacity of the A220, which has not yet reached breakeven.