由于流媒体平台上“情绪音乐”的流行,环境音乐市场不断增长。 Ambient music market grows due to popularity on streaming platforms as "mood music."
环境音乐市场正在蓬勃发展,因为它在 Spotify、Apple Music 和 Amazon Music 等流媒体平台上以“情绪音乐”的形式进行营销,越来越受欢迎。 Ambient music market is booming as it gains popularity being marketed as "mood music" on streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. 主持人斯科特·德特罗 (Scott Detrow) 采访了 Pitchfork 编辑安迪·库什 (Andy Cush),讨论了促进环境音乐发展的因素、它的多功能性以及它在各种场合中日益增长的存在感,使市场上的听众和艺术家都受益。 Host Scott Detrow interviews Pitchfork editor Andy Cush about the factors contributing to the growth of ambient music, its versatility, and its increasing presence in various settings, benefiting both listeners and artists in the market.