凌晨 1 点 05 分,安达曼群岛发生 4.3 级地震,地震深度 137 公里,为近几周内发生的第二起地震。 4.3 magnitude earthquake hits Andaman Islands at 1:05 am, 137 km deep in Andaman Sea, second in recent weeks.
据美国国家地震中心 (NCS) 报告,周日凌晨 1 点 05 分,安达曼群岛发生 4.3 级地震,震中位于安达曼海深处 137 公里处。 On Sunday, a 4.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Andaman Islands at 1:05 am, with the epicenter located 137 km deep in the Andaman Sea, as reported by the National Center for Seismology (NCS). 这是继 3 月 13 日发生 4.2 级地震后,最近几周该岛屿发生的第二场地震。 This is the second earthquake to hit the islands in recent weeks, following a 4.2 magnitude quake on March 13. 两次地震震级相似,都发生在安达曼海附近的岛屿。 Both quakes were of similar magnitude and occurred in the Andaman Sea, near the islands.