美国前总统特朗普在棕榈滩筹款活动上更青睐来自丹麦和瑞士的移民。 Former US President Trump preferred immigrants from Denmark and Switzerland during a Palm Beach fundraiser.
美国前总统特朗普在一次筹款活动上表达了对来自丹麦、瑞士等“好”国家的移民的偏好,并批评目前移民到美国的国家是“令人难以置信的地方和国家,是灾难的国家”。 Former US President Trump expressed a preference for immigrants from "nice" countries like Denmark and Switzerland during a fundraiser, criticizing the countries from which people are currently immigrating to the US as "unbelievable places and countries, countries that are a disaster." 特朗普在亿万富翁金融家约翰·保尔森位于佛罗里达州棕榈滩的一座豪宅里,向一群富有的观众发表了 45 分钟的演讲,发表了上述言论。 Trump made the comments at a mansion in Palm Beach, FL, owned by billionaire financier John Paulson, during a 45-minute presentation to a wealthy audience.