7 岁的 Emouree Johnson 经营着一个柠檬水摊,为她已故母亲的墓碑筹集资金;社区提供支持。 7-year-old Emouree Johnson runs a lemonade stand to fund her late mother's tombstone; community supports.
来自阿拉巴马州斯科茨伯勒的 7 岁女孩 Emouree Johnson 经营着一个柠檬水摊,为她已故母亲的墓碑筹集资金。 7-year-old Emouree Johnson from Scottsboro, Alabama, runs a lemonade stand to raise funds for her late mother's tombstone. 社区团结一致,支持和鼓励这位年轻女孩向 29 岁去世的母亲表达感人的敬意。 The community rallies behind her effort, providing support and encouragement for the young girl's touching tribute to her mother, who passed away at age 29. Emouree 的祖母 Jennifer Bordner 在社交媒体上分享了这个故事,鼓励当地人前往摊位并为这项事业做出贡献。 Emouree's grandmother, Jennifer Bordner, shared the story on social media, inspiring locals to visit the stand and contribute to the cause.