社区聚集一堂,为99岁的二战退伍军人扫雪,确保她能够参加教堂活动。 Community comes together to clear snow for 99-year-old WWII vet, ensuring she could attend church.
来自堪萨斯州Shawnee的一位99岁的二战老兵Sally Keithley-McCulley因大雪而奋力清理她的车道,使她无法上教堂。 A 99-year-old WWII veteran from Shawnee, Kansas, Sally Keithley-McCulley, struggled to clear her driveway due to heavy snow, preventing her from attending church. 她的朋友寻求帮助,这场雪球进入了社区努力,包括一家商店、一名警官和一名有吹雪者的学生。 Her friend sought help, which snowballed into a community effort including a store, police officers, and a student with a snowblower. 他们的共同努力扫清了车道 让基思利 -麦克克莱能去教堂 Their combined efforts cleared the driveway, allowing Keithley-McCulley to make it to church.