在黑暗的中心,以黑夜代替白天,以白天代替黑夜。 Night for Day or Day for Night in the Heart of Darkness.
在一家咖啡店里,一名女子与一名男子讨论日食的持续时间,她没有注意到男子讽刺道:如果日全食是永远持续下去的话,日偏食将持续 70-80 年。 In a coffee shop, a woman discusses the solar eclipse's duration with a man, unaware of his sardonic remark about the partial eclipse lasting 70-80 years if the full eclipse is forever. 当媒体将 4 月 8 日即将出现的北美日全食宣传为“日食狂热”时,讨论就反映出社会对黑暗的迷恋和恐惧。 As media promotes the upcoming North American total solar eclipse on April 8th as "eclipse mania", the conversation reflects on society's fascination with the darkness despite fearing it. 日落比日出更受欢迎,这种对比象征着“黑暗之心中的白昼与黑夜”。 Sunsets are more popular than sunrises, and this contrast is symbolic of the 'Day for Night in the Heart of Darkness'.