女人在咖啡店里讨论黑暗迷恋和死亡焦虑。 Woman discusses darkness fascination, and death anxiety in coffee shop.
在一家咖啡店里,一名女子了解了日食的持续时间,并与她的同伴谈论了尽管害怕黑暗但仍然对黑暗着迷的情况。 In a coffee shop, a woman learns about solar eclipse duration, sparking a conversation with her companion about the fascination with darkness despite fearing it. 即将发生的北美日全食被媒体称为“日食狂热”,但却忽略了自己在推动日全食中所发挥的作用。 The upcoming North American total solar eclipse is called "eclipse mania" by the media, who neglect to mention their role in promoting it. 该男子开玩笑说,如果日偏食持续 70 至 80 多年,那么日全食将永远持续下去。 The man jokes that if a partial eclipse lasts over 70-80 years, the full eclipse lasts forever. 这位女士似乎忽略了这句话,因为它与她的死亡焦虑和对黑暗的矛盾享受有关,例如日落比日出更受欢迎。 The woman seems to ignore the comment, as it relates to her death anxiety and the paradoxical enjoyment of darkness, such as sunsets being more popular than sunrises.