魁北克省圣佩特罗尼耶镇 3 名镇议员因图书馆志愿者的酒水费用纠纷而辞职,仅剩 4 名镇议员。 3 town councillors resign in Ste-Pétronille, Quebec due to library volunteer's alcohol expense dispute, leaving only 4 council members.
魁北克省小镇圣佩特罗尼耶 (Ste-Pétronille) 因一名图书馆志愿者的酒水费用引发争议,三名镇议员辞职,导致该镇面临政治危机。 A small Quebec town, Ste-Pétronille, faces a political crisis after three town councillors resigned amid a dispute over a library volunteer's alcohol expense. 这场冲突导致省级当局展开调查,并向该镇十分之一的人口发出法律通知,仅剩下四名议员。 The conflict led to an investigation by provincial authorities and legal notices sent to one-tenth of the town's population, leaving just four council members. 这场危机加剧了人们对魁北克地方政府健康运作的担忧。 The crisis has heightened concerns over the healthy functioning of local government in Quebec.