在博古拉区博古拉-纳奥加奥恩区域公路上,一辆客车与私家车相撞,造成法欣·曼达尔 (Fahin Mandal) 等 3 名乘客死亡。 3 passengers, including Fahin Mandal, died in a bus-private car collision on Bogura-Naogaon regional road, Bogura district.
在博古拉区埃鲁利亚的博古拉-纳奥加奥恩区域公路上,一辆客车与私家车相撞,造成包括博古拉汽车工会成员法欣·曼达尔在内的 3 名乘客死亡。 3 passengers, including Fahin Mandal of Bogura Motor Workers Union, died in a bus-private car collision on Bogura-Naogaon regional road in Erulia, Bogura district. 事故发生于上午11点30分左右,载有5名遇难者的私家车与巴士迎面相撞。 The accident happened when the private car, carrying 5 victims, crashed head-on with the bus at around 11:30am. 两辆汽车均被扣押,尸体被存放在博古拉汽车工会办公室。 Both vehicles were seized, and the bodies were kept at the Bogura Motor Workers Union office.