我对人性有着极其悲观的看法:国家奖获奖电影制片人巴斯卡·哈扎里卡 (Bhaskar Hazarika)。 I have an extremely bleak view of humanity: National Award-winning filmmaker Bhaskar Hazarika.
国家奖获奖电影制片人巴斯卡·哈扎里卡 (Bhaskar Hazarika) 表达了他对人性的悲观看法以及这种看法如何影响他的电影。 Bhaskar Hazarika, a National Award-winning filmmaker, expresses his bleak view of humanity and how it influences his films. 他批评 OTT 平台最初承诺提供机遇,但后来却大幅削减独立电影制作人的收入。 He critiques OTT platforms for initially promising opportunities but later slashing payments for independent filmmakers. Hazarika 强调电影素养和多样化电影接触的重要性,即将推出的项目包括一部印地语恐怖片和一部阿萨姆语恐怖片。 Hazarika emphasizes the importance of cinema literacy and diverse film exposure, with upcoming projects including a Hindi horror film and an Assamese one.