电影导演卡兰·乔哈尔 (Karan Johar) 批评宝莱坞对趋势的依赖,而不是票房和 Instagram 上的优质内容。 Film director Karan Johar criticized Bollywood's reliance on trends over box office and quality content on Instagram.
电影导演卡兰·乔哈尔 (Karan Johar) 在最近的 Instagram 帖子中批评宝莱坞盲目追随潮流,强调票房的重要性,而不是依赖短暂的社交媒体趋势。 Film director Karan Johar critiqued Bollywood for blindly following trends in a recent Instagram post, emphasizing the importance of the box office rather than relying on short-lived social media trends. 乔哈尔发表此番言论之际,该行业正在应对来自流媒体平台的竞争以及疫情对影院上座率的影响等挑战。 Johar's comments come as the industry navigates challenges such as competition from streaming platforms and the impact of the pandemic on cinema attendance. 电影制片人建议宝莱坞应该优先创作能够引起观众共鸣并经得起时间考验的优质内容。 The filmmaker suggests that Bollywood should prioritize creating quality content that resonates with audiences and stands the test of time.