根据安大略省酒精和博彩委员会的一项研究,过去三个月内进行网上赌博的安大略省居民中,86.4% 使用受监管的网站。 86.4% of Ontarians who gambled online in the past three months used regulated sites, according to a study by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.
安大略省酒精和博彩委员会委托进行的一项研究显示,过去三个月进行网上赌博的安大略省居民中,86.4% 使用受监管的网站,这一比例比上一年有所增加。 A study commissioned by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario shows that 86.4% of Ontarians who gambled online in the past three months used regulated sites, an increase from the previous year. 然而,20.1% 的受访者同时使用了受监管和不受监管的网站,突显了不受监管的市场的存在。 However, 20.1% of respondents used a combination of regulated and unregulated sites, highlighting the presence of the unregulated market. 这项研究是为了纪念安大略省受监管的网络游戏市场成立两周年而进行的。 The study was conducted to mark the first two years of Ontario's regulated internet gaming market.