加拿大劳伦森银行 (Laurentian Bank of Canada) 将零售经纪业务(包括 20 亿美元客户资产)出售给 iA 金融集团 (iA Financial Group)。 Laurentian Bank of Canada sells retail brokerage operation, including $2B in client assets, to iA Financial Group.
加拿大劳伦森银行 (Laurentian Bank of Canada) 正在将其拥有 20 亿美元客户资产的零售经纪业务出售给总部位于蒙特利尔的金融服务巨头 iA Financial Group。 Laurentian Bank of Canada is selling its retail brokerage operation with $2B in client assets to Montreal-based financial services giant iA Financial Group. 该交易包括在今年晚些时候将约 16,000 个客户账户和约 30 名证券持牌投资顾问转移给 iA 子公司 iA Private Wealth。 The deal includes the transfer of about 16,000 client accounts and around 30 securities-licensed investment advisers to iA subsidiary iA Private Wealth later this year. 该交易的财务细节尚未披露。 Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed. 劳伦森银行计划在交易完成后集中简化流程,并专注于能够增强竞争力的领域。 Laurentian Bank aims to focus on simplification and concentrating on areas where it can be more competitive following the deal.