利西拉来药物试验表明其可以减缓帕金森病的进展,但有副作用。 Lixisenatide drug trial suggests slowed Parkinson's progression, but with side effects.
根据最近的一项研究,糖尿病药物利西拉来可能会减缓帕金森病的进展。 Diabetes drug lixisenatide may slow Parkinson's disease progression, according to a recent study. LixiPark 试验涉及 156 名新近诊断出的帕金森氏症患者,结果发现,与对照组相比,接受 lixisenatide 治疗的患者运动症状进展较慢。 The LixiPark trial, involving 156 people with recently diagnosed Parkinson's, found motor symptoms progressed slower in those receiving lixisenatide treatment compared to a control group. 然而,分别有 46% 和 13% 的患者出现恶心和呕吐等副作用。 However, side effects including nausea and vomiting were observed in 46% and 13% of patients, respectively. 这项研究的结果只是初步的,还需要更大规模、更长时间的研究来证实该药物在减缓病情进展方面的有效性。 The study's results are only preliminary, and larger, longer studies are needed to confirm the drug's effectiveness in slowing disease progression.