18 岁的男子在法庭上被指控准备实施恐怖活动。 Man, 18, in court charged with preparation of terrorist acts.
18 岁的卡梅伦·芬尼根在威斯敏斯特地方法院出庭受审,他被指控一项准备恐怖主义行为的罪名、一项持有对恐怖主义有用的信息(“杀戮指南”)的罪名,以及一项持有儿童淫秽图像的罪名。 18-year-old Cameron Finnigan appeared in Westminster Magistrates' Court, charged with one count of preparing terrorist acts, one count of possessing information useful for terrorism (a "kill guide"), and one count of possessing indecent images of a child. 来自霍舍姆的芬尼根上周被捕,并计划于 4 月 12 日在老贝利出庭。 Finnigan, from Horsham, was arrested last week and is scheduled to appear at the Old Bailey on April 12.