来自伦敦西南部的21岁的Ayoub Nacir因分享和拥有恐怖主义内容,包括泽斯材料,被判处6.75年监禁。 21-year-old Ayoub Nacir from South West London was sentenced to 6.75 years for sharing and possessing terrorist content, including Daesh material.
Ayoub Nacir, 21岁,来自伦敦西南地区,因分享和拥有恐怖主义内容被判处6年零9个月徒刑。 Ayoub Nacir, a 21-year-old from South West London, has been sentenced to six years and nine months for sharing and possessing terrorist content. 他对十项指控中的八项认罪,包括散发宣传泽斯的材料和拥有对恐怖行为有用的文件。 He pleaded guilty to eight of ten charges, including disseminating material promoting Daesh and possessing documents useful for terrorist acts. 他的活动是在首都警察局反恐调查期间发现的。 His activities were uncovered during a Metropolitan Police counter-terrorism investigation. 当局敦促公众举报可疑的网上内容。 Authorities urge the public to report suspicious online content.