波特兰寻求庇护的家庭面临无家可归的境地,等待政府决定;社区团体提供援助。 Portland asylum-seeking families face homelessness awaiting gov't decisions; community groups aid.
波特兰寻求庇护的家庭在等待政府决定期间面临无家可归的风险。 Asylum-seeking families in Portland are at risk of homelessness while they await government decisions. 自去年夏天以来,移民正义跨信仰运动和寻求庇护者团结联盟等社区组织一直在为这些家庭提供援助,而且每周都有更多的移民抵达。 Since last summer, community-based organizations like Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice and Asylum Seeker Solidarity Collective have been aiding these families, as more arrive every week. 委内瑞拉寻求庇护者戴安娜·阿尔巴兰 (Diana Albarran) 是至少 20 个可能面临无家可归的家庭之一。 Diana Albarran, a Venezuelan asylum seeker, is one of at least 20 families facing potential homelessness.