大学学费高达 95,000 美元,但一些拥有大量捐赠基金的大学让非富裕学生更能负担得起。 College tuition costs reach up to $95,000, but some colleges with large endowments make it more affordable for non-wealthy students.
今年秋季,一些学校的大学学费已高达 95,000 美元,比往年大幅上涨。 College tuition costs have reached up to $95,000 for some schools this fall, a significant increase from previous years. 尽管成本高昂,许多拥有大量捐赠基金的大学仍致力于让非富裕学生更能负担得起高等教育,要求他们只需支付广告费率的 10%。 Despite the high costs, many colleges with large endowments have focused on making higher education more affordable for non-wealthy students, requiring them to pay only 10% of the advertised rate. 在某些情况下,对于低收入家庭来说,就读精英私立大学的费用甚至比就读公立大学还便宜。 In some cases, attending a selective private college can even be cheaper than a state institution for lower-income families.