日本的月球着陆器 SLIM 在第二个月夜中幸存下来,两次复活并传输了新图像。 Japan's lunar lander SLIM survived its second lunar night, revived twice, and transmitted new images.
日本的月球着陆器 SLIM 在第二个超冷的月夜中幸存下来,随后进入睡眠模式。 Japan's lunar lander, SLIM, survived its second ultra-cold lunar night, going into sleep mode afterward. 这艘无人驾驶航天器于一月份着陆,两次复活并向地球传输新图像。 The unmanned spacecraft, which landed in January, revived twice and transmitted new images to Earth. 尽管以不利的角度着陆,日本宇宙航空研究开发机构仍在监测航天器的状态和多波段相机,这可以提供对月球形成的深入了解。 Despite landing at an unfavorable angle, JAXA is monitoring the spacecraft's status and Multi-band Camera, which could offer insights into the Moon's formation.