消息人士称,在莫斯科袭击之前,伊朗就安全威胁向俄罗斯发出警报。 Exclusive-Iran alerted Russia of security threat before Moscow attack, sources say.
据路透社援引三位熟悉情况的消息人士的话报道,在上个月莫斯科附近的音乐厅袭击事件发生之前,伊朗就俄罗斯领土上可能发生的大规模恐怖行动向俄罗斯发出警报。 Iran alerted Russia about a potential large-scale terrorist operation on Russian soil before the concert hall attack near Moscow last month, according to Reuters, citing three sources familiar with the situation. 伊斯兰国激进组织声称对此次暴力事件负责,此次暴力事件导致至少 144 人死亡。 The Islamic State militant group claimed responsibility for the violence, which resulted in at least 144 deaths. 伊朗在审问因伊朗致命爆炸事件而被捕的人后,与莫斯科分享了这一信息。 Iran shared the information with Moscow after interrogating those arrested in connection with deadly bombings in Iran.