墨尔本北郊的非法烟草商店出售针对儿童的尼古丁袋,与有组织犯罪集团有联系。 Illicit tobacco shops in Melbourne's northern suburbs sell nicotine pouches targeting children, linked to organized crime syndicates.
专家称,墨尔本北郊的非法烟草店正在销售尼古丁袋,目标人群是儿童。 Illicit tobacco shops in Melbourne's northern suburbs are selling nicotine pouches, experts say are aimed at children. 有组织的犯罪集团已经渗透到维多利亚州的烟草业,走私和销售数百万非法烟草和电子烟。 Organised crime syndicates have infiltrated Victoria's tobacco industry, smuggling and selling millions in illicit tobacco and vapes. 虽然主要犯罪团伙并不直接支持尼古丁袋装市场,但这些产品却在销售非法香烟的同一家商店中出售。 While the main syndicates are not directly behind the nicotine pouch market, the products are being sold in the same shops selling illicit cigarettes.