34 岁的安德烈·蒂尔曼 (Andre Tilghman) 在弗农被捕,因为在交通检查站发现了毒品、现金和多项指控。 34-year-old Andre Tilghman arrested in Vernon after traffic stop reveals drugs, cash, and multiple charges.
34 岁的男子安德烈·蒂尔曼 (Andre Tilghman) 在弗农因交通拦截而被捕,因为他身上随处可见毒品,其中包括 6.5 盎司。 34-year-old man Andre Tilghman was arrested in Vernon after a traffic stop revealed drugs in plain sight, including 6.5 oz. 大麻、17.5 克强效可卡因、22 包大麻食品、8,979 美元现金和两部手机。 of marijuana, 17.5 grams of crack cocaine, 22 packages of marijuana edibles, $8,979 in cash, and two cellphones. 蒂尔曼面临多项指控,包括持有受管制物质、意图出售、篡改证据、干扰警察、非法车窗贴膜以及未系安全带。 Tilghman faces multiple charges, including possession of controlled substances, intent to sell, tampering with evidence, interfering with police, illegal window tints, and failure to wear a seat belt.