建筑业女性计划结束,为女性提供行业技能和认证。 Women in Construction program concludes, equipping women with industry skills and certifications.
妇女参与建筑项目是一项联合倡议,涉及休伦-金洛斯镇、布鲁斯县、UBC Local 2222 Carpenter's Union、VPI、Fanshawe College、安大略省就业局、安大略省政府和加拿大政府,该项目已结束最后一轮。 The Women in Construction program, a joint initiative involving the Township of Huron-Kinloss, Bruce County, UBC Local 2222 Carpenter's Union, VPI, Fanshawe College, Employment Ontario, the Government of Ontario, and the Government of Canada, has concluded its final round. 该计划为女性提供实践技能和必要的认证,以在建筑行业追求职业生涯。 The program equips women with hands-on skills and essential certifications to pursue careers in the construction industry. 该计划的目标包括促进劳动力多元化并为女性提供进入该行业的切入点。 The goals of the program include promoting workforce diversity and providing women with an entry point into the industry.