一名俄勒冈州男子在建筑工地的一块失控的混凝土锯片飞过停车场时险些与他擦肩而过,幸免于难。 An Oregon man escaped death when a runaway concrete saw blade from a construction site flew across a car park, narrowly missing him.
一名俄勒冈州男子险些丧命,因为附近建筑工地的一块失控的混凝土锯片松脱并向他猛冲过来。 An Oregon man narrowly escaped death when a runaway concrete saw blade from a nearby construction site came loose and hurtled towards him. 监控录像捕捉到了四英尺长的锯片快速穿过附近停车场,然后撞到便利店墙壁的那一刻。 Surveillance footage captured the moment the four-foot saw blade barreled across an adjacent car park before striking a convenience store wall. 就在刀片差点失手的几秒钟前,这名男子进入了商店,险些被切成两半。 The man had entered the store just seconds before the blade's near-miss, narrowly avoiding being sliced in half.