菲律宾八打雁省发生一起吉普尼事故,造成 2 人死亡,22 人受伤。 2 killed, 22 injured in a jeepney crash in Batangas province, Philippines.
菲律宾马尼拉南部八打雁省一辆吉普车撞上路边树,造成2人死亡、22人受伤。 2 killed, 22 injured after a jeepney crashed into a roadside tree in Batangas province, south of Manila, Philippines. 事故发生时,驾驶员在通过下弯道时失去了对车辆的控制。 The accident occurred when the driver lost control of the vehicle while negotiating a descending curve. 加长平板客运吉普尼是菲律宾最受欢迎的公共交通工具,全国共有约 160,000 辆吉普尼。 The elongated, flatbed passenger jeepney is the most popular mode of public transport in the Philippines, with around 160,000 jeepneys running across the country.